28 December 2022 - 30 December 2022

2022/12/28 10:00:00

Come join us for a decentralized congress experience! We want to create a space to get together, hack and make awesome stuff.

The wat?

DECO is an event that takes place because no Chaos Communication Congress is taking place this year. It is not the same as “the congress”… but we want to take this opportunity to invite people to the Munich Maker Lab and get at least a small part of the experience.


DECO is hosted inside the Munich Maker Lab e.V. located on the Kreativquartier, just a few meters from the tram stop Leonrodplatz.

What can I expect?

There is no strict program, but we will be open daily from around 10 am until at least 10 pm. The following is confirmed:

  • We will show streams from other maker- and hackerspaces participating in the decentralized congress
  • Thanks to the Eventphone team, we can offer DECT – so you can stay in touch with participating maker- and hackerspaces
  • We do indeed have Internet, Power and drinks!
  • And we also have a wide variety of machines that you can use – 3d printers, a laser cutter, soldering irons, sewing machines, powertools and so on… ๐Ÿ˜‰

The schedule is not final and will be updated!

We are constantly updating the schedule below. Please check back for changes and additions!

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

  • Hack together (all day)
  • Lasercutter Introduction (14:00 // 2 pm – please sign up here, it’s free!)
  • Screen printing your own DECO 2022 shirts! (unconfirmed, please check back!)
  • At some point, we will move to the muCCC! (~17:00 // 5 pm, walkable from the space)

Thursday, 29 December 2022

  • Hack together (all day)
  • 3D Printer Introduction (13:00 // 1 pm – please sign up here, it’s free!)
  • Test a Shaper Origin – thanks to Werkzeugbibliothek (14:00 // 2 pm onward)
  • 5G und WiFi Retro Style – Berichte aus der Welt des Amateurfunks by Aaron (19:00 // 7pm)

Friday, 30 December 2022

  • Hack together (all day)
  • Lightning talks – 5 minutes, your topic wanted! (15:00 // 3 pm)
  • Amateurfunk (ham radio) hands-on workshop – go “On The Air” yourself! by Aaron (16:30 // 4:30 pm)
  • Es sich selber machen mal anders: Kinky Bastelworkshops im Makerspace.Was ist Kinky DIY und warum braucht es das? Was wurde schon alles geDIYd? Und warum andere spaces das auch brauchen. AnschlieรŸend: Ask Me Anything. by Bernhard (17:30 // 5:30 pm, Streamed)
  • Afterpartey /w Tschunk and open decks (~19:00 onward)

How to participate?

Workshops, Ideas, Helping

If you want to offer a workshop, have an idea, or help set it up, please reach out to events@homeofmaking.de – we would love to hear from you!

Joining from 28 December 2022 – 30 December 2022

Join us at the Munich Maker Lab e.V. at Dachauer Str. 112h in 80636 Munich. We will be open from at least 10 am until 10 pm (but it might be open longer). It might make sense to check this page before joining us to get updates (e.g., if the space is busy).

What to bring: Notebook, project materials, electronics parts, games, and your DECT phone! Whatever else makes you happy ๐Ÿ™‚


DECO 2022 is a small part of the #jev22, hosted together with Munich Maker Lab e.V., muCCC and OpenLab Augsburg. 22F3 is also happening in Munich and part of the #jev22. You can find all participating events on the ccc events page.

Additionally we want to thank schwere reiter for their support (w/ knowledge and equipment), as well as neo eventservice GmbH for supporting our events.


DECO 2022 is free, thanks to Munich Maker Lab e.V. for offering the location. If you want to support our mission of connecting makers, including our events, OSS and OSH, please consider donatingย or becoming a github sponsor. 100% of the donation goes towards our projects!